This newsletter and website is a continuation of a Tradition dating back to Cassiodorus and Thierry of Chartres, forward to Rugby Chapel (in its twilight). There will always be a free component (the main event), and eventually, for roughly the price monthly of a cheap cup of coffee, some other more in-depth stuff, too. My conspiracy, to which you are invited, is to start (not a mass movement but) a traditional popular movement which forwards the ideals of the seven sacred liberal arts, as Christianity once did in the past…

My regular blog is here.

For those who care about such things, there is one academic monograph which I scribed awhile ago…

Allow me to entertain you by circumscribing Middle Earth. And hopefully, we will become more self-conscious, and better at poetry and rhetoric and logic, along the way, before we wake up, and close Tolkien’s LOTR!

You can help by inviting people you think may be interested! We start a small company, and if you invite 10 people (or 5 or even 1), it’s possible there could end up being several thousand folks on the lists. If it’s successful beyond wildest dreams, maybe I can devote a larger portion of time to producing and collating very helpful content at a very cheap price, spread over a larger and larger area.

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Forward & Into the Past


Rural Arkansas origins, graduate of Hillsdale College with BA in REL/PHL, Registered Nurse, & writer